How to Connect to the Online Worship

We start the online streams 5 minutes early to help give everyone time to get set-up and connected, but please note that the live streams won’t be visible on YourTube or FaceBook until the service has started. So if you don’t see a “Live” stream available on either YouTube or FaceBook, please check back in a minute or two.    

Also, if you happen to miss a service, the Sermon Series page on the website has full recordings from every week.   

If you’re on your computer or phone

  1. FaceBook: You can watch us live from Facebook. Click Here.

    1. Note: The  link above takes you to the New Life FaceBook videos page. When the stream is live, you’ll see a “Live” video that you can click on. If you don’t see it there, check back in a couple of minutes.

  2. YouTube: You can watch us live from YouTube. Click Here.

  3. Website: You can watch us live from this page on the website.

If you want to watch on your Smart TV or Smart Cable Box;

  1. Open the YouTube App

  2. Search for “New Life Midlothian VA”

  3. Click on the video that has the red “Live” indicator on it. If you don't see one, we may not be online yet - check back in a couple minutes.

Tired of squinting to watch us on your phone, and interested in streaming to your TV via an Apple TV or Google ChromeCast?

  1. Make sure your TV is turned on and the input is set to the Apple TV or Google Chromecast.

  2. Make sure your phone is on the same wireless network as your Apple TV or Google Chromecast.

  3. Open the YouTube or FaceBook stream on your phone.

  4. If you’re on an iPhone, then follow these simple instructions to stream from your phone to your TV

  5. If you’re on an android, then follow these simple instructions to stream from your phone to your TV

Helpful Tip: If you “follow” the Facebook page or “subscribe” to the New Life YouTube page, you’ll receive notifications when the worship service is live.

We’re always open to suggestions and feedback to help evolve our technology and online reach. So please feel free to send those suggestions and feedback to