What if your life was portrayed like a movie?
How would it play with you in the starring role?
Is there a gap between what you might see in the film footage and what you want it to be or believe God intends?

The Bible has an amazing cast of all stars, but these were real people, in real time, living out real faith. Hebrews 11 has been called “The Hall of Faith,” rather than the “Hall of Fame”, yet none of them considered themselves heroes, special or anything other than ordinary - shepherds, tentmakers, housewives.
They lived in a world where evil enemies were literally right around the corner, where mere survival seemed almost unobtainable, where grace, hope and love seemed in short supply. Yet, viewing some of their highlights is inspiring thousands of years later in a world where not many things have changed.
We learn a lot from these celebrities and we learn a great deal more about their God. What made them significant is their love for God and desire to live for Him. They were ordinary people willing to be used by their extraordinary God.

Their God is the same God who has called you to live faith in a world where diapers need to be changed, divisions threaten to undo us and faith seems to be in short supply. How will you respond? Aaaaand action!